Taking part dramatically increases Amanda Munyard's capabilities and confidence to succeed in her executive role with her local basketball association.
Interview with Amanda Munyard
Why did you join the Change Our Game Regional Governance program?
I took on a secretary role at the end of 2016. I had never been on a board or committee before. I had no idea what I was getting into. The role was completely different from expectations.
The expectations were that I would receive emails and work under instruction. Prior to me starting the role there was one person doing a number of roles; she was exhausted and overwhelmed.
What did you learn from the program?
Everything about the role of secretary and governance. Also how boards are structured, the role of governance in an organisation, and how to undertake the role more professionally.
The course helped build knowledge and understanding.
Is there anything you do differently as a result of the program?
Everything! I am more confident now. I can take professional minutes and have an understanding of constitution and bylaws. I understand the constitution and how it correlates to the priorities of the board.
I learned best practices to undertake the role.
Would you recommend the program to others?
Yes, I would recommend the program to people both new to their board role and those who are experienced in their role.
Why would you recommend this program?
I am a firm believer in learning new information and reviewing what you know.
What is next on your learning journey?
Learning how to streamline the role, and how to use technology effectively, shared docs and Zoom conferencing. Also succession training.
What did you want to get out of the program?
I wanted to know how to do the role well. I did research on the role and spoke to Julie Pettett [former Centre for Participation CEO] on how to do the role well. Always keen on evaluating myself and upskilling.
What would have happened if you had not attended the program?
I would have walked away from my role and the board.
Is there anything further that you would like training in?
How to transition spectators to volunteers.
Any final comments?
We are extremely lucky to have the Centre for Participation in our region.
The general information on boards and governance was fantastic.